Mental Health & wellbeing is at the heart of what we offer here at Prout Bridge Project, at the core of our charitable objectives…

Our aim is to support people in Beaminster and its surrounding area, of all ages, to live happy & fulfilling lives. We acknowledge that often the community needs support to achieve this, so we offer support for this through the services & activities that we offer. Below is what we currently offer to support this aim. Click on each heading to find out more.

Youth Mental Health Support Service Enabling children & young people to improve their wellbeing & make a successful transition into adulthood

Distraction Bags

A Distraction Bag is a resource that can be given out at any of our mental health sessions to help anyone deal with self harm. We make the Distraction Bag ourselves, filling them with items that will help distract or soothe the urge to self harm, and provide provisions to help clean and protect any incidents of self harm. We do target our distraction bags for young people, as it is a big issue experienced by the young people in our community and a Distraction Bag is a key resource to support these young people.