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Following last night’s announcement from the government I have contacted Dorset Police to ensure that we are assisting rather than hindering Police efforts at this difficult time. They have confirmed that it will continue to be a valuable service to young people and other members of the public.

We will be out during the hours below to ensure that anyone can make contact with us, if they need support for themselves or know of someone else who needs help. We will also be able to ensure that vulnerable young people have up to date information to enable them to keep themselves safe.

We will obviously be complying with the social distancing rules and ask that if any member of the public does want to talk to us, they recognize the need for us to remain 2 metres away. We will also be complying with the legal limit of 2 workers together at a time.

When will we be out:

  • Tuesday 6pm – 8pm

  • Wednesday 5pm – 7pm

  • Thursday 12.30pm – 1.30pm

  • Friday 7pm – 9pm

We will be wearing our Hi-Viz jackets and will have our ID cards on us. Please approach us if you need help or just want a chat – at a 2 metre distance please.

Stay safe. Paula


Thank you to St Mary’s Church, Beaminster


The Ollerod makes the Prout Bridge Project their charity of the year