New programme up and running

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We had a busy summer holidays filled with performances for our Phoenix Band and young dancers and singers and several activity days, including craft sessions, sports, dance and drama. And now we’re back and really excited to be up and running with our new September programme…

For adults there’s Yoga with Leah on Tuesdays 1.15-2.15pm and Stretch & Fitness with Tash on Thursdays 6.30-7.30pm. We hope to add more activities for grown ups soon - watch this space!

Thanks to some wonderful volunteers we’re so pleased to continue Let’s Play, our baby and toddler group at a new time - on Tuesday mornings 10am-12 noon. Baby Spanish continues every Wednesday at 10.30am.

For children and young people all our wonderful youth club sessions continue, including the band sessions, milkshake bar, juniors club and our young people’s mental health support group, as well as our A Capella Singing and lots of dance. New this term we have:

-Boys Hip Hop 5.15-5.45pm on Thursdays - age 6+

-Hot Dog Drop in 7-9pm on Fridays - age 11+ - FREE with hotdogs only 50p

And don’t forget our monthly Saturday storytelling with Rose from the Flying Monkeys - the next one is on Saturday 5th October.

More details of times and prices can be found here

Everybody is welcome at Prout Bridge - we hope to see you soon…


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